the abc of a good health
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Ways To Take Care Of Your Teeth-- Infants and Children
It is very important for the mother to take the baby to the doctor (dentists) for check up, the moment she notice that the teeth has started growing at the tender age. The main assignment for mother is to maintain the dental health care of their children because they can do it on their own. The moment the child start growing the teeth, the mother should use soft foam with toothpaste to brush and clean the primary teeth. You need to continue with this exercise till the time the child is old enough to do it for himself.
Now that your child has now grown up, all you need to do is to teach him or her the proper ways or methods of brushing the teeth, and also to know that the fluoride toothpaste should not be swallowed. You need to do this by showing her example, make sure that you brush at the same time with your child, because at this tender age they learn through senses and for seeing you doing it they copy the way you do it.
In addition, you also need to teach your child way to flossing and there are different ways of doing that which you should let them know. Also let them know what, when and how to eat or drink so as to preserve their teeth from decaying or go bad. I think this will go a long way in taking care of the teeth of your children and infants.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
This is highly recommended so as to ease labour movement, for example sitting or walking on a birthing ball. Though its baby down into pelvis for a better positioning for birth to take place. When doing squatting try as much as possible to support yourself with any stationed objects.
The birthing balls are been use during labour and pregnancy, so as to remove any back pained it’s a more comfortable way rather than sitting in ordinary chairs. The birthing ball help the movement of the baby to the pelvis into right birthing position with the head engaged, and it works well.
According to American Academy of Family Physicians, sexual intercourse is said to be normal during pregnancy so as to ease labour, as a way to induce labour. The penetration stimulates the lower portion of the uterus, and semen released contains prostaglandins which helps cervix to ripe. The breast and nipple stimulation during the sexual intercourse help the potential for labour and it releases oxytocin, responsible for contractions.
According to the comments of Dr.Marjorie Grandfield on the website of Dr. Spock, says that swaying action of hips assist baby with ease into birthing position. Walking also help you to feel good and better as you are having contractions.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Exercises to Avoid During Pregnancy- That Are Dangerous When You’re Expecting.
When you’re expecting it is good to be working out and it will be of benefit for both your baby and you. But there are some exercises that you should remove from your fitness routine during pregnancy. And they are as follows:
Exercises that require a lot of balance or risk of falling, which can cause abdominal problem. They are skiing, contact sports, horseback riding and skating. All because during the first trimester, the baby is so small to be protected between the pelvic bones. After the growing baby can be injured during a falling.
Exercising on Your Back after the First Trimester.
When you lying on your back, it can stop the free flow of blood to the baby after the first trimester. You should avoid weight lifting exercises in which you lie on your back. The position of the baby could be uncomfortable with you anyway.
Activities That Disrupt Your Breathing.
Heavyweight lifting that will disrupt your breathing is not safe for your baby. Irregularity in your breathing interrupts oxygen flow to your baby. So, scuba diving could also be dangerous during pregnancy. But light weight lifting is safe during pregnancy provided you were used to it before your pregnancy.
A U.S. study shows that exercising during pregnancy is of benefits to both of the unborn baby and mum-to-be.
Strenuous Exercise During the First Trimester.
When you involve yourself in a tough workout during your first trimester will cause overheat for your body which may be of risk of miscarriage and birth defect to the baby. During your pregnancy, you should ease your workouts and consistently rather than risking injury.
Here you can find some tips for your workouts to be healthy for you and your baby during pregnancy:
• When it is cool, exercise both in the morning and evening and you can have low risk of body overheating.
• You should pay attention to how you are feeling. Stop the activity, if you are very tired or uncomfortable.
• After your workout, drink plenty water and eat snacks so as to replenish your body.
• Woman’s joints are at a higher risk of injury during pregnancy because the ligaments relax in the preparation for child birth, so avoid overextending your joints and exercise moderately, listening to your body if you need a break.
Exercising consistently will help you lose weight and get back into form after the baby is born.
Exercising during pregnancy is a good healthy, but some activities should be avoided for the safety of your baby and yourself. And following these recommendations can help you to have good health during pregnancy and it will ease your way during childbirth and becoming a mum.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Weight loss refers to the total loss of total body mass in order to improve fitness and health, and to change appearance. When individual is in a state of negative energy balance , i.e. body consuming more energy through work and metabolism than gaining from food, it will use stored reserves from fat or muscles leading to weight loss.
Most women are aware of the common signs of pregnancy, such as a missed period, morning sickness and fatigue. But there are also some less common signs of pregnancy. Some unusual signs of pregnancy are nothing more than an inconvenience; however, others are serious and warrant a trip to the doctor's office.
Meanwhile, the rate of weight gain/loss varies for every woman depending on the condition of pregnancy. Some of the early symptoms of pregnancy make woman lose weight and they are as follows:
Many of the pregnancy symptoms interfere with the eating habit of women in the early pregnancy like; smells, tastes of the foods. Fatigue sets in the early pregnancy like morning sickness, heartburn, constipation and indigestion can occur in the first trimester of pregnancy, since they don’t cause weight loss but they make woman to eat foods with few calories.
This morning sickness is another terms for vomiting in pregnancy. If a woman actually vomits she may lose weight. According to the American Pregnancy Association, this symptom occurs in the sixth week and stop by the twelveth week.
In addition, The American Pregnancy Association also said that by the thirteenth week of pregnancy is likely that a woman have miscarriage. And weight loss is one of the signs of this miscarriage while other symptoms include, back pain, contractions, tissue loss from vagina, white-pink mucus, brown or red bleeding and a sudden decrease in signs of pregnancy.
The most important during the pregnancy is the nutrition. Eating some foods may result in losing a few weights. It is not advisable to diet during pregnancy but for women who are obese or overweight need not to gain any weight during pregnancy.
With reference to the American Pregnancy Association, vomiting, weight loss, nausea and electrolyte disturbance are caused by Hyperemesis gravidarum, and it can go beyond the first trimester, the treatments of these are rest, antacids and dietary changes and moreover, woman can be hospitalized to receive nutrients and an intravenous fluids.
The best option or advice for women who have these symptoms is to consult a medical professional for proper and